Tuesday, March 8, 2016

          So our first year of innovation is well underway.  Changing the timetable to be more flexible and converting our teaching styles to fit the inquiry based model.  It has been a good and bad situation.  Change is always hard....
         The students have adapted to the new style of two classes a week and 2 seminar classes to work on their course material.  Scheduling your day has been the greatest growth for students.  Our planners are becoming a great necessity and a benefit for the students.  Yes time is wasted.. but we all do that everyday in our lives too.
        The teachers are finding it challenging to learn how to fit their course teaching into two classes a week.  It is requiring us to look more closely at the curriculum.  We are also reanalyzing how we use class time. 
         This new style of teaching has helped me personally in changing my use of the class.  We now watch videos outside of class and discuss the content in lessons.  We have a week long period for students to book a time to do science labs outside of class.
         This has also changed our student teacher interactions.  This has become more meaningful and positive.  Yes we still have issue but there are less and students are starting to monitor each other.

The great successes so far.....
    Students don't have to choose options.  They can take all courses in the timetable as we have no conflicts.
   Our student body is 75 but our FTE is 85.  More than full loads can be taken.
   Students are supported by peers and teachers to take the difficult courses.
   Our distance learning courses went down to just 2; german and equine studies.
   Our band program can have 35 students in it.
   Our x block (passion blocks) are becoming more student led.  Great ideas are coming forth for next year.

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